others-how to renew apple push notification certificate?
1. Purpose
In this post, I will demonstrate how to renew apple ios push notification certificate when it’s about to expire or it has been expired.
When you got this email from apple:
Action Needed: Apple Push Services Certificate Expires in 30 Days
Dear xxx,
Your Apple Push Services Certificate will no longer be valid in 30 days. To generate a new certificate, sign in and visit Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.
Certificate: Apple Push Services
Identifier: yyy
Team ID: zzzzzzzz
To learn more about expired certificates, visit the certificates support page.
Best regards,
Apple Developer Relations
Get the certificate info in keychain access
You can see that the certificate is about to expire in 30 days. How to renew it?
You should consider to create a new push certificate.
2. Solution
Click create certificate in apple developer center:
When it prompts to provide a CSR file:
Upload a Certificate Signing Request
To manually generate a Certificate, you need a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file from your Mac.
You can just open your keychain access
application in your Macbook , and then click Keychain access-->Certificate Assistant-->Request a certificate from certificate authority
, then you can see this:
save the csr file to your disk ,and then upload to the above form, click contintue, you would get this:
click download. And then double click the aps.cer
If you get this error:
apple push service certificate is not trusted
just goto https://www.apple.com/certificateauthority/ to get apple root certificate, for me, I click and download the G4 certificate, double click and install it, then everything works!
then export the newly created certificate to .p12 format.
Then use the file in your code:
public class ApnConfig {
public ApnsClient getApnsClientProd() throws IOException {
return new ApnsClientBuilder()
.setClientCredentials(new File(iFaceSettings.getConfigPath()+"prod-push.p12"),"xxxxxxx")
3. Summary
In this post, I demonstrated how to renew apple ios push notification certificate . That’s it, thanks for your reading.