others-How to monitor nginx in command line using stub status module in nginx?
1. Purpose
In this post, I would demonstrate how to use stub status
module in nginx, you can use it to monitor your nginx connections and requests’s status in command line.
2. The solution
2.1 Add the module to nginx
Check if you have stub_status module enabled in nginx:
nginx -V 2>&1|grep --color status
If you find this in the result, then the module is enabled in your nginx:
Otherwise , you need to enable it from compiling nginx source:
First get all the compile options in nginx:
nginx -V
configure arguments: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Copy and paste or the configure arguments
and compile the nginx from source again with additional option:
./configure xxxxxxxxxxxx --with-http_stub_status_module
replace the xxxxxxxxxxxx
with your nginx options.
make && make install
2.2 Config file in nginx
Add this line in your location config:
For example:
location / {
Then we can test it:
⚡ root@launch-advisor-20191120 /etc/nginx curl http://localhost:81
Active connections: 1
server accepts handled requests
2 2 2
Reading: 0 Writing: 1 Waiting: 0
Active connections: Number of active connections made to the backend.
Server accepts handled requests: Nginx processed a total of xxx connections, successfully created yyy handshakes (proving that there was no failure in the middle), and processed a total of zzz requests.
Reading: Nginx The number of header information read to the client.
Writing: Nginx The number of header information returned to the client.
Waiting: When keep-alive is enabled, this value is equal to active - (reading + writing), which means that Nginx has completed processing and is waiting for the resident connection of the next request command.
Therefore, when the access efficiency is high and the request is processed quickly, it is normal for the number of Waiting to be large. If the number of reading + writing is large, it means that the concurrent access volume is very large and is being processed.
2.3 Add security control on status module
location / {
allow; #only allow requests from localhost
deny all; #deny all other hosts
Then only you can visit the status module , others are all denied.
3. Summary
In this post, I demonstrated how to enable and use the stub_status module in nginx . That’s it, thanks for your reading.