others-How to print docker command line fully?

1. Purpose

In this post, I would demo how to print docker command line fully(not partially or truncated). Because sometimes , When we run the following command to check what container is running:

[root@kube-bswen ~]# docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE           COMMAND                  CREATED       STATUS                   PORTS                                                                                                                                  NAMES
1d2b528d4670   kong:latest     "/docker-entrypoint.…"   2 weeks ago   Up 8 minutes (healthy)>8000/tcp, :::8000->8000/tcp,>8001/tcp,>8443/tcp, :::8443->8443/tcp,>8444/tcp   kong

If we want to see the COMMAND of the container, what we got is:


The COMMAND of the container is truncated, and displayed partially, But we want to see the full command of the container. How to achieve this?

2. The solution

2.1 The tool to show the full docker command

We can use runlike tool to show the full docker command like this:

[root@kube-bswen ~]# docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro \
>     assaflavie/runlike kong
Unable to find image 'assaflavie/runlike:latest' locally

latest: Pulling from assaflavie/runlike
a0d0a0d46f8b: Already exists
14df950e5a79: Pull complete
86a31cc9e913: Pull complete
c6e88c3a8cca: Pull complete
843e00801cfc: Pull complete
8c7a43c10170: Pull complete
1b52f4e484f7: Pull complete
d2414af5b173: Pull complete
e784d6354f86: Pull complete
90bffe34dc9b: Pull complete
616b184e3902: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:a213a7d8e2a26ef0167b5d9a8d71c799cbb1fd52e350dbb69558ba3853a61889
Status: Downloaded newer image for assaflavie/runlike:latest
docker run --name=kong --hostname=1d2b528d4670 --user=kong --env=KONG_PG_USER=kong --env=KONG_ADMIN_ACCESS_LOG=/dev/stdout --env=KONG_CASSANDRA_CONTACT_POINTS=kong-database --env=KONG_PROXY_ACCESS_LOG=/dev/stdout --env=KONG_PROXY_ERROR_LOG=/dev/stderr --env=KONG_ADMIN_ERROR_LOG=/dev/stderr --env='KONG_ADMIN_LISTEN=, ssl' --env=KONG_DATABASE=postgres --env=KONG_PG_HOST=kong-database --env=KONG_PG_PASSWORD=kong --env=PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin --env=ASSET=ce --env=KONG_VERSION=2.6.0 --env=KONG_AMD64_SHA=43fb5f27185e274e22b4a36b93b1b7e27afe94b9fd2efbe4ec69b8ed8a9e5902 --env=KONG_ARM64_SHA=a057eaa6d10ecf49443ec0cac6e1b70a62ee357a777e0e169c780e18fd5c5544 --network=kong-net -p 8000:8000 -p -p 8443:8443 -p --restart=no --label='maintainer=Kong <[email protected]>' --runtime=runc --detach=true kong:latest kong docker-start

You can see that the full COMMAND of the docker container is as follows:

docker run --name=kong --hostname=1d2b528d4670 --user=kong --env=KONG_PG_USER=kong --env=KONG_ADMIN_ACCESS_LOG=/dev/stdout --env=KONG_CASSANDRA_CONTACT_POINTS=kong-database --env=KONG_PROXY_ACCESS_LOG=/dev/stdout --env=KONG_PROXY_ERROR_LOG=/dev/stderr --env=KONG_ADMIN_ERROR_LOG=/dev/stderr --env='KONG_ADMIN_LISTEN=, ssl' --env=KONG_DATABASE=postgres --env=KONG_PG_HOST=kong-database --env=KONG_PG_PASSWORD=kong --env=PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin --env=ASSET=ce --env=KONG_VERSION=2.6.0 --env=KONG_AMD64_SHA=43fb5f27185e274e22b4a36b93b1b7e27afe94b9fd2efbe4ec69b8ed8a9e5902 --env=KONG_ARM64_SHA=a057eaa6d10ecf49443ec0cac6e1b70a62ee357a777e0e169c780e18fd5c5544 --network=kong-net -p 8000:8000 -p -p 8443:8443 -p --restart=no --label='maintainer=Kong <[email protected]>' --runtime=runc --detach=true kong:latest kong docker-start

The magic is caused by this command :

docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro assaflavie/runlike kong

It just run a tool named runlike against container named kong, to print its full command to the console.

2.2 What is the runlike tool?

Runlike is just a command line tool to outputs the command of another docker container, along with all those options (ports, links, volumes, …). It’s a real time saver for those that normally deploy their docker containers via some CM tool like Ansible/Chef and then find themselves needing to manually re-run some container.

You can just run the runlike tool as follows:

docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro assaflavie/runlike <container-name>

Or to make an alias of it as follows:

alias runlike="docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock assaflavie/runlike"

then use it :

runlike <container-name>

3. Summary

In this post, I demonstrated how to print the full COMMAND of a docker container, the key point is use a right tool named runlike , it’s a simple but useful command line tool . That’s it, thanks for your reading.