others-how to solve Could not insert new outlet connection: Could not find a class named ViewController in the language Swift
When we adding outlet connection from story board to code in assistant editor ,sometimes we get this error:
Could not insert new outlet connection: Could not find a class named ViewController in the language Swift
XCode 11.3.1
Swift 5
This is mostly caused by the refactoring of your code, for example, if you renamed the viewcontroller , you would probobably encounter this error: Could not insert new outlet connection: Could not find a class named ViewController in the language Swift.
Way #1
Click the menu: Product – Clean build folder
After clean, please click Product – Build, and then retry to add the outlet connection.
Way #2
Restart the xcode, and then retry to add the outlet connection.
Way #3
If all the above methods fail, please try to rename the viewcontroller again, this might help.