1. Introduction
In this post, I would demo how to solve the following error when you run mvn commands on a project with findbugs plugin:
2. Environment
- Maven 3.6.0+
- findbugs-maven-plugin 3.0.2
3. The pom.xml
4. How to solve this problem?
4.1 Downgrade your maven version
Because you are using 3.0.2 of findbugs-maven-plugin,it’s not compatible with maven 3.6.0+
Check your maven version by the following command:
If you are using maven version greater than 3.6.0, you should downgrade the version of maven by downloading an old version from its official site.
The recommended version is 3.3.9.
4.2 Upgrade your findbugs-maven-plugin version
Upgrade your findbugs-maven-plugin to 3.0.4+, it’s compatible with your 3.6.0 maven installation.
5. Summary
Be careful if you want to use findbugs-maven-plugin with the latest version of maven.