others-Top 10 eclipse keyboard shortcuts that frequenctly used in MacOS
1. The purpose of this post
I would demo top 10 eclipse keyboard shortcuts that frequenctly used in MacOS.
2. Environments
- Eclipse 3.0 +
- Mac OS 10.12 +
3. Top 10 eclipse keyboard shortcuts that frequenctly used
3.1 Open resource
- COMMAND + SHIFT + R: Open all type of resources except the JAR files
- COMMAND + SHIFT + T: Open all class files ,including the JAR files
3.2 Find resources
- COMMAND + F: find or replace in current editor
3.3 Switch editor
- COMMAND + E: Switch between your opened editors
3.4 Quick edit
- COMMAND + D: Delete current row quickly, just like vim
- ALT + up/down: Move lines up and down
3.5 Class hierarchical and inheritance
- COMMAND + T: Display current class’s inheritance hierarchy
- F4 : Display class inheritance hierarchy window
- COMMAND + SHIFT + H: Open type in hierarchy window
3.6 Add comments
- COMMAND + /: comment current line
3.7 The most powerful shortcut
COMMAND + SHIFT + L: If you forget all the above shortcuts, you just click this shortcut, it would display a window which contains all the shortcuts that eclipse supports.
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