Apache ignite with springboot jdbcTemplate example
1. The purpose of this post
Apache ignite is a memory-centric distributed database. It aims to provide fast and scalable data access to users. In this post , I would demo how to use springboot jdbcTemplate with apache ignite.
2. Environments
2.1 Develop enrironments
JDK 1.8
Apache ignite 2.6
Springboot 1.5.9.RELEASE
2.2 Apache ignite environments
The table create sql:
The insert data sql:
VALUES(1, ‘Paris’);
Then we got this table:
3. Setup the maven pom.xml
Add ignite core dependency to maven pom like this:
4. Setup database configurations.
5. The application.properties
6. The Domain class
7. The DAO class
The line #1 means, I would like to inject the jdbcIgite jdbcTemplate object which defined in the DatasourceConfig class
8. The unit test class
And run the unit test , we got this result:
To summarize, the apache ignite is a very comprehensive memory database, it provides JDBC driver and it’s very easy for java developers to use it.