1. Introduction
This post would demo how to use logical operators with Predicate.
The logical operators include:
2. Examples
2.1 Use the and operator with Predicate
- line 1
- Here we use the Predicate’s and method, this method would return a Predicate again
2.2 Use the or operator with Predicate
- line 1
- Here we use the Predicate’s or method, this method would return a Predicate again
2.3 Use the negate operator with Predicate
- line 1
- Here we use the Predicate’s negate method, this method would return a Predicate again
3. The console output of the examples.
4. summary
In this post we demo how to use logical (and/or/negate) operators with Predicate function.You can find the whole code examples on github.
You can find detail documents about the java lambda here: