How to solve the pip and ssl version problem when install Pillow on MacOS
This article shows how to solve the pip and ssl version problem when install Pillow:
1. The environment
- Python 2.7.10
- OS: Mac OS 10.12.4
2. The problem
3. The reason
After google, I found the reason is:
The ssl support is deprecated in the pip(version 9.*),you should upgrade to pip 10
3. Solve the problem
So I installed pyenv like this:
And Then add this script to ~/.zshrc
And then quit the terminal and install the new python version:3.6.5
And then set the local version to 3.6.5
Verify the version:
Upgrade to pip 10:
At last, we install the Pillow like this:
Verify the pillow installation:
The pillow is installed successfully.
You can find detail documents about the python pip here: